
Parent Code of Conduct

Parents, players, coaches, and spectators represent the Bulls Soccer Club.  This Code of Conduct encourages good sportsmanship, which means in part, treating opponents, coaches, and referees with respect regardless of the situation.  Parents must set an example for the children by exemplifying the highest standards of sportsmanship.  The game is for the children and their participation in and enjoyment of the game is important. 

As the parent/guardian of a Bulls Soccer Club player, I will:

  • Be encouraging, supportive, and affirmative in regard to my child’s and other children’s play on the field
  • Show respect and courtesy to all players, coaches, officials, and parents at all times, including, but not limited to, training, games, and events–this show of respect and courtesy extends to players, coaches, parents, and fellow spectators associated with other teams
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship and encourage fair play
  • Refrain from “coaching” my player or other players from the sidelines
  • Refrain from questioning officials or otherwise disturbing any game
  • Refrain from disrupting any training session with behavior that distracts or disrupts play
  • Familiarize myself with and respect the rules of the game
  • Help my child be on time to all games and practices or notify the coach if that isn’t possible
  • Help my child understand and abide by the Club Player Code of Conduct
  • Refrain from criticizing coaches or players (including those on another team) in front of my child or other parents and players
  • Comply with the rules, policies, and procedure of the team and Club as they apply to me
  • Discuss issues concerning my child:
    • Only with the coach
    • Not with the manager or any other parent
    • Only at a time mutually agreed upon with the coach
    • Not immediately prior to, during, or less than 24 hours after a game (unless prompted by a coach or Honolulu Bulls Soccer Club official to have such a discussion)

As the parent/guardian of a Bulls Soccer Club player, I will NEVER:

  • Engage in dissent directed toward an official
  • Engage in any type of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, manager, player, or parent
  • Use tobacco or alcohol at any Bulls Soccer Club practices, games, or events
  • Interfere at any time with the duties and responsibilities of the coach or manager
  • Act in any manner which is detrimental to the team or the Bulls Soccer Club

Failure to abide by the Bulls Soccer Club Parent Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including a request to leave the field, and/or a suspension or termination of a player’s participatory privileges. Any such action shall be at the sole discretion of the Bulls Soccer Club President and/or Board of Directors.

Player Code Of Conduct

Parents, players, coaches, and spectators represent the Bulls Soccer Club.  This Code of Conduct encourages good sportsmanship, which means in part, treating opponents, coaches, and referees with respect regardless of the situation. 

As a Bulls Soccer Club player, I will:

  • Train and play to the best of my ability
  • Have a positive attitude and never quit 
  • Win without boasting
  • Respect officials and accept their decisions without question
  • Give positive encouragement to fellow teammates
  • Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions (i.e. proper mental attitude and equipment)
  • Respect my coaches, teammates, and opponents
  • Learn and obey the laws of the game, the team, and the Bulls Soccer Club
  • Practice soccer skills and maintain my physical condition on my own
  • Notify the coach or team manager in advance, if I will be tardy for or unable to make a practice and/or game
  • Volunteer some of my time to help develop those Club members who will come after me
  • Shake my coaches’ and teammates’ hand before practice

As a Bulls Soccer Club player, I will never:

  • Allow my enthusiasm and commitment for soccer to override my responsibilities to my education
  • Use profane or vulgar language
  • Use a controlled substance unless prescribed by a physician
  • Leave the field or session without the permission of the coach
  • Disregard any instruction of my coach
  • Forget that I represent the Bulls Soccer Club, both on and off the field
  • Bully teammates or other players

Failure to abide by the Bulls Soccer Club Parent Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the Club or other necessary disciplinary action to be determined by Club Staff and/or the Club Board of Directors.